
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Recoverpoint CLI Familiarization

Many of friends and colleagues use recoverpoint from the GUI, but they don't seem very comfortable with CLI. If you are interested in exploring RP CLI you can do the following operations any time with out disrupting your replication.

Basic Operations
Step:1 Open putty to ssh into the recoverpoint and login as 'boxmgmt'

ssh boxmgmt@

Step:2 Select Diagnostics

Step:3 Select Fiber Channel Diagnostics

Step:4 Select View Fiber Channel Details, to display available RPA HBA WWNs

Step:5 From the Fiber Channel Diagnostics menu, select Detect Fiber Channel Targets

Step:6 From the Fiber Channel Diagnostics menu, select Detect Fiber Channel LUNs

Step:7 Select B (for back) to return to Diagnostics menu. Select IP diagnostics then select view IP details. Check how "eth0" and "eth1" are configured.

Step:8 From IP diagnostics menu, select System connectivity then select System Connectivity Test. Then select Check from local RPA to all other boxes.

Step:9 Check to see all appliance are UP and running, then type q (quit)

Step:10 Select B to return to the IP diagnostics menu, then select Site connectivity tests and check that appliance can communicate to other devices within the environment

Step:11 Select B to return to the IP diagnostics menu, then select Tets Throughput from local appliance to remote appliance using the WAN interface

Step:12 Check transfer rate between sites

Step:13 Select Q to log off boxmgmt

Saving and Restoring RPA settings
Step:1 From a UNIX server run the following

ssh admin@ save_settings > backup.file

Step:2 View the contents of the backup file

more backup.file

Step:3 Restore RPA settings from the UNIX host where the backup file is located.

ssh admin@ < backup.file

Running Log collection
Step:1 Open putty to ssh into the recoverpoint and login as 'boxmgmt'

ssh boxmgmt@

Step:2 Select Diagnostics

Step:3 Collect system info

-Always perform log collection in GMT regardless of your location
-Select a start date and time, then select an end date and time
-You may choose to collect logs from remote site, splitters information.

Performance and Statistics
Step:1 Open putty to ssh into the recoverpoint and login as 'admin'

ssh admin@

Step:2 Run detect_bottlenecks

-Select the mode, the earliest time and latest time available when prompted

Step:3 Select type of overview, the time duration for I/O peaks, and the consistency group names

Step:4 From admin command prompt, enter get_system_statistics. Type in the site name or press enter for both sites

Step:5 From admin command prompt, enter get_group_statistics. Type in the name of consistency group or press enter for all groups

Step:6 Enter export_statistics. Select the earliest and latest time and the desired criteria.

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