a. Create a new aggregate with name node1_aggr1 on node1
b. Add disks to the aggregate
Step:1 View the available aggregates
storage aggr show
Step:2 View the avaialable disks
storage disk show
Notice the disks that belongs to aggregates and the spare disks that are available to create additional aggregates
Step:3 Create an aggregate
storage aggr create -aggr node1_aggr1 -node node1 -diskcount 6
Step:4 Verify
stor aggr show
Step:5 Detail view of the new aggregate
stor aggr show -aggr node1_aggr1
Step:6 (b) Add disks to the aggregate
aggr add-disks -aggr node1_aggr1 -diskcount 10
Step:7 Verify the number of disks
aggr show -aggr node1_aggr1 -instance