a. Create a cluster virtual server (Vserver)
b. Create a flex vol
Step:1 View the available Vservers in the cluster
vserver show
"node" Vservers are the scope where vol0 volumes exist and the node management LIFs and cluster LIFs of each node. The "admin" Vserveris the scope in which the cluster management LIF exists
Step:2 Create a Vserver with name vs2
vserver create -vserver vs2 -rootvolume vs2root -aggr node1_aggr1 -ns-switch file -rootvolume-security-style unix
With the above command we are creating a Vserver vs2 along with a root volume 'vs2root'. vs2root is th root volume (root of this namespace) of this Vserver.
Note: Vservers are independent of physical nodes and so even though'vs2' resides on 'node1' it does not essential mean it is assigned to node 'node1'
Step:3 Verify
vserver show
Step:4 View summary of the Vserver just created
vserver show -vserver vs2
Step:5 View list of volumes
volume show
Note: The Vserver root volume that was just created appears
Step:6 View default volume size
With the 'vserver create' command we cannot specify the volume size, there by this value is defaulted; however, the size can be changed with 'volume modify' command.
Step:7 View all the attributes of the volume just created
volume show -vserver vs2 -volume vs2root
Note: The slash (/) signifies that this is the root volume of this namespace.
Step:8 (b) Create a flex vol
volume create -vserver vs2 -volume volume2 -aggr node1_aggr1 -junction-path /vol2
Step:9 Verify
vol show
Step:10 View summary of the new volume
vol show -vserver vs2 -volume volume2